A Amel veio de Saint- Etienne – França e realizou SVE em Lisboa em Portugal. Esta é a partilha da sua experiência!
Lisboa was for me a balance between good moments and bad. It was an important experience because I learned a lot.
I met some wonderful people but also some not so good people. Mais Cidadiana belongs to the good part of moments and people, of course!
I will not talk about everything but about one week only. It was a week of a Youth Exchange project called “Trash”. The project was about how to protect the environment and to reuse the garbage. It was interesting because in Bairro Alto area, where is Mais Cidadania, the trash is a problem during the night because it’s a place with many pubs.We met 4 other Associations of 4 countries: France, Netherlands, Spain and Italy. The young people that participated were really interested about the project and we made a good exposition. It was a multi-cultural project where each person found their place in it. This is an important aspect for me.

Working with the team of Mais Cidadania was great, especially Luisa alias Babel and Lu, my favourite Brazilian person in Lisboa.
Daily life in Lisboa is easy. What I like most about this city is the public transport. Any time of the day! This is more than great, especially during the night! It seems strange but when we don’t have a car, it’s important. About the food, if you like salt you are at the right place. For me, I could come back to Lisboa only to eat one sweet, Pastéis de Nata! Any place in Lisboa could be interesting if you look at it. And this city is not so big so it’s really hard to get lost.
This is it about my experience in Lisboa!
My suggestions:
– Be clear about the work you have to do and
– The living conditions before leaving your country