A Pauline veio da Puy en Velay – Polónia e realizou SVE em Lisboa em Portugal. Esta é a partilha da sua experiência!
I did my EVS short term this summer (July and August) in Association Mais Cidadania. It was the most enriching experience, I met people from all backgrounds and nationalities, I also discovered a country, these customs and these very friendly habitants.
We were very well received by the members of the association who have managed to put us at ease from the beginning. We stayed in a house with all other voluntaries and we had a magnificent view of the Pantheon.
In July I had different missions – first I had the opportunity to help the youth of the association “Santa Catarina” to shoot a short film and then for the rest of the month I had to mentor youngsters in the beach, played with them and watch them. During this first month we also had some classes of Portuguese language, which allowed me to gain some very useful base for communicating with youth. I also took this month to visit Lisbon, which is a really beautiful and very festive city in evening.
In August I worked at “+Skillz” where several activities were organized for young people (kitchen, painting, ping-pong …). I also visited the country a little bit more, I went to Porto, as well as in various cities in the North and even going for a ride in Spain. I also made local friends with whom I loved go for a drink.

In summary I could not hope for a better EVS thanks to everyone that allowed me to live this adventure (Luisa, Ana, Valerie …). I wish everyone one day be able to live it!
“No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” – Lin Yutang