Category: Volunteering


Posted in: April 1, 2024

Categories: Volunteering

Name: Maryisa Huseynova  Project Title: Activate the Local Environment 2.0 Type of program: European Solidarity Corps Organiser: Semper Avanti, Poland  Sending Organisation: Bridge to the future, Azerbaijan Volunteering is a powerful way to give back to the community, gain valuable skills, and create lasting memories. At the beginning of the year, I embarked on a volunteering journey that not only changed the lives of others but also transformed my own perspective on life. In this...

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Posted in: February 26, 2024

Categories: Host ESC, Volunteering

Project: EU.Motion Type of Programme: European Solidarity Corps  Organiser: AMC Portugal  Hey, I am Kristiana from Latvia and will shortly share my experience within AMC and Portugal as a volunteer. In 2023 I spent 10 months in Lisbon, Portugal. My voluntary project started in February, so I was the lucky one who actually experienced all of the weather conditions that this city can provide. The hosting organization (AMC) at the time was based in the very heart of...

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Posted in: January 26, 2024

Categories: Host ESC, Send ESC, Volunteering

Project: EU.Motion Type of Programme: European Solidarity Corps  Organiser: AMC Portugal  Sending Organisation: Xena - Centro scambi e dinamiche interculturali Here I am to share my experience with you! My name is Sara, I am Italian, and for 10 months, I participated in the "European Solidarity Corps" volunteering project in Lisbon at Associação Mais Cidadania. Describing this adventure in text is a complex task because for some things, there are no words to use, only moments to live. The...

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Posted in: January 3, 2024

Categories: Host ESC, Send ESC, Volunteering

Project: EU.Motion Summer – Active Holidays  Type of Programme: European Solidarity Corps  Organiser: AMC Portugal  Sending Organisation: Student Youth Council, Georgia  So, my time in Portugal would be named a dream, however it was very much a reality. DidI have my hopes of finding adventures, experience, new friends? Yes, I did, but everythingturned out so much better than I expected.I liked working at Mais with all the kids and my favorite thing to recall is...

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Posted in: December 18, 2023

Categories: Volunteering

Name: Ebru Buyukyenigun Project: ACTIVATE THE LOCAL ENVIRONMENT 2.0  Type of program: European Solidarity Corps Host Organisation: Semper Avanti Opole, Poland  Sending Organisation: Institute for Change and Innovation, Georgia  About 5-6 months ago, I came from Turkey to Opole, Poland to volunteer. I applied for the project via an internet platform where the project was published. When my project application was accepted, I participated in online meetings with the project owners as a candidate. After...

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